Ownership Profile

As at 29 February 2024

Class of Shares Ordinary shares
No. of Issued Ordinary Shares 909,301,330
No. of Issued Ordinary Shares (excluding Treasury Shares) 906,901,330
No. of Treasury Shares  2,400,000 (representing 0.26% of the total number of issued shares, excluding Treasury Shares) 
No. of Subsidiary Holdings #   Nil
Voting rights  One vote for one Ordinary Share. The Company cannot exercise any voting rights in respect of shares held as Treasury Shares.
Subject to the Companies Act 1967, subsidiaries cannot exercise any voting rights in respect of shares held by them as subsidiary holdings#.
Range of Ordinary Shareholdings No. of Ordinary Shareholders % No. of Ordinary Shares %
1 - 99 252 1.20 8,501 0.00
100 - 1,000 7,291 34.92 5,699,517 0.63
1,001 - 10,000 11,425 54.72 43,443,431 4.79
10,001 - 1,000,000 1,883 9.02 61,491,858 6.78
1,000,001 and above 29 0.14 796,258,023 87.80
  20,880 100.00 906,901,330 100.00
Based on information available to the Company as at 3 March 2023, approximately 51.31% of the issued Ordinary Shares (excluding treasury shares) is held by the public, and accordingly, Rule 723 of the Listing Manual of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited has been complied with.

Major Ordinary Shareholders List – Top 20 as at 29 February 2024

No. Name No. of Ordinary Shares Held %*
1 Hong Leong Investment Holdings Pte. Ltd. 168,714,256 18.60
2 Hong Leong Holdings Limited 148,787,477 16.41
3 Citibank Nominees Singapore Pte Ltd 107,589,783 11.87
4 Raffles Nominees (Pte.) Limited 55,961,360 6.17
5 DBSN Services Pte Ltd 45,373,144 5.00
6 HSBC (Singapore) Nominees Pte Ltd 39,858,974 4.40
7 Hong Realty (Private) Limited 34,457,782 3.80
8 Maybank Securities Pte. Ltd. 28,761,582 3.17
9 DBS Nominees Pte Ltd 25,854,042 2.85
10 BNP Paribas Nominees Singapore Pte Ltd 23,526,391 2.59
11 Garden Estates (Pte.) Limited 20,484,365 2.26
12 Euroform (S) Pte. Limited 19,603,045 2.16
13 Hong Leong Corporation Holdings Pte Ltd 18,584,760 2.05
14 Gordon Properties Pte. Limited 9,304,616 1.03
15 Hong Leong Enterprises Pte Ltd 8,524,530 0.94
16 Interfab Private Limited 5,648,781 0.62
17 Phillip Securities Pte Ltd 5,358,972 0.59
18 United Overseas Bank Nominees Pte Ltd 5,225,284 0.58
19 Hong Leong Foundation 4,301,106 0.47
20 Abbottin Properties Pte Ltd 3,729,188 0.41
  Total 779,649,438 85.97
# “Subsidiary Holdings” is defined in the Listing Manual of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited to mean shares referred to in Sections 21(4), 21(4B), 21(6A) and 21(6C) of the Companies Act 1967.

* The percentage of Ordinary Shares held is based on the total number of issued Ordinary Shares, excluding treasury shares as at 29 February 2024.

(As shown in the Register of Substantial Shareholders as at 29 February 2024)

  No. of Ordinary Shares
  Direct Interest Deemed Interest Total %*
Hong Realty (Private) Limited 34,457,782 30,488,981 (1) 64,946,763 7.161
Hong Leong Holdings Limited 148,787,477 19,546,445 (2) 168,333,922 18.561
Hong Leong Investment Holdings Pte. Ltd. 168,714,256 271,601,888 (3) 440,316,144 48.552
Davos Investment Holdings Private Limited - 440,316,144 (4) 440,316,144 48.552
Kwek Holdings Pte Ltd - 440,316,144 (4) 440,316,144 48.552
BlackRock, Inc. - 45,457,214  45,457,2144 5.030
* The percentage of Ordinary Shares held is based on the total number of issued Ordinary Shares, excluding treasury shares as at 29 February 2024.
(1) Hong Realty (Private) Limited (“HR”) is deemed under Section 4 of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore (“SFA”) to have an interest in the 30,488,981 Ordinary Shares held directly by companies in which it is entitled to exercise or control the exercise of not less than 20% of the votes attached to the voting shares thereof.
(2) Hong Leong Holdings Limited (“HLH”) is deemed under Section 4 of the SFA to have an interest in the 19,546,445 Ordinary Shares held directly by companies in which it is entitled to exercise or control the exercise of not less than 20% of the votes attached to the voting shares thereof.
(3) Hong Leong Investment Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“HLIH”) is deemed under Section 4 of the SFA to have an interest in the 271,601,888 Ordinary Shares held directly and/or indirectly by companies in which it is entitled to exercise or control the exercise of not less than 20% of the votes attached to the voting shares thereof which includes (i) the 64,946,763 Ordinary Shares held directly and indirectly by HR; and (ii) the 168,333,922 Ordinary Shares held directly and indirectly by HLH, out of which 9,304,616 Ordinary Shares have been identified as Ordinary Shares in which HR is also deemed to have an interest in under note (1) above.
(4) Davos Investment Holdings Private Limited and Kwek Holdings Pte Ltd are deemed under Section 4 of the SFA to have an interest in the 440,316,144 Ordinary Shares held directly and/or indirectly by HLIH in which they are entitled to exercise or control the exercise of not less than 20% of the votes attached to the voting shares thereof.
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