Press Release

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July 18, 2001 at 12:00 AM EDT

CDL and Industry Players Form Tenantworld

Imagine an office e-hub where office tenants, property managers, owners and suppliers can exchange information and collaborate on-line. This is now a reality with Tenantworld Pte Ltd. Set up to develop and operate Singapore’s premier office e-hub, Tenantworld is a joint venture by City Developments Limited, pFission (the e-business arm of Pidemco Land), (CDL), KeplandeHub Limited, and Interpex Services Pte Ltd (a wholy-owned subsidiary of Singapore Land Limited.

With the development of this one-stop solution provider, tenants, property managers and owners will be able to manage resources, facilities and leases on a single electronic platform. They can look forward to lower operating costs, more timely management of property information and lower procurement costs for items bought through e-hub. With a combined client base of several thousand, this industry-led exchange promises to be a far-reaching and dynamic exchange that will provide tangible and significant benefits to the property industry.

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