Contributing to the arts community is not new to leading property developer, City Developments Limited (CDL). This year, the company is launching the CDL-Singapore Sculpture Award, themed, “Create and Appreciate”, to recognise and encourage creativity in youth and local artists in the field of sculpture. This initiative is in line with the national objective to make art a more palpable part of Singaporean life.
“CDL shares the vision of Singapore to become a world-class city supported by vibrant art and cultural activities. Through this nation-wide sculpture competition, we hope to generate greater appreciation of this relatively less developed art form and most importantly to discover budding talents in this area. The Award will serve as a recognition and an encouragement for these talents and hopefully will help further develop their skills.” Says Mr Kwek Leng Joo, Managing Director of CDL.
Supported by the National Arts Council, the CDL-Singapore Sculpture Award is organised in partnership with the Singapore Art Museum, LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Square and iPreciation.
“We are happy to partner CDL in such an exciting project that is not only open to art enthusiasts and professional artists, but also for our schools’ participation. We hope that the schools will embrace this Competition as part of their schools’ arts education programme. It will truly be an interesting experience for the students to see their ideas come alive in a three-dimensional form that has the potential to grace a prime location in Singapore,” says Mr Leen Kim Swee, Director of Audience Development, National Arts Council.
A distinguished panel of judges, including leading Asian sculptors - Cheung Yee, Han Sai Por, Anthony Poon, Baet Yeok Kuan and other experts in this field will select the winners.
“We are pleased that this initiative has drawn keen support from the arts community. Their advice and input has greatly contributed to the successful launch of this Award,” adds Mr Kwek.
The CDL-Singapore Sculpture Award is offering a cash prize of $8,000 for the top award in the Open Category with three merit prizes of $1,000 each. For the student category, the top prize is $4,000 with three merit prizes of $800 each.
The winning entries will be showcased at an Exhibition in June at the Singapore Art Museum.
The Entry Deadline for the Award is 26 March 2003. Official entry forms, the competition brief as well as the full version of the rules and regulations can be obtained from Enquiries may be directed to email: or Fax: 64380880.
For more information, please contact:
Ms Jean Khoo
Head (Corporate Communications)
City Developments Limited
Tel: 64289315
Fax: 64380800